IPQuery IncIPQuery
The IP Address API for Developers
IpQuery offers a flexible api for vpn detection, geolocation, and threat intelligence.
IPv4 and IPv6 support
Threat feeds updated daily
Fast lookups with low latency

Optimized For Your Use Case

Accurate Geolocation Data

Using our API, you can get accurate geolocation data for any IP address. We track

Developer Oriented

Filter and include the data points you need for your application. Don't waste compute on data you don't need.

Zero Ratelimits

We don't believe in ratelimits. Use our API as much as you need to without any restrictions when creating a free account.

Quick Start

Integrate in seconds with the languages you love most. Don't waste time with complicated libraries.



Eliminate High Risk Traffic

Using honeypots, up-to-date intelligence feeds, and custom approaches, we are able to detect public proxies, VPNs, and real threat attacks.

Detect Spam

Block bots on your website. Keep the real traffic and eliminate the fake traffic.

Detect Fraudsters

Track Tor Browser, Public Proxies, and Mobile Proxies. Block the tools used by hackers.

Higher Conversions

Personalize your site to users based on geolocation and filter fake users.

Block Webcrawlers

Don't let 3rd parties scrape your site and sell your site data for their gain. Block the harmful scrapers.

Frequently asked questions.

What is IpQuery?
How stable is the API?
How can I contribute to the project?
How do you get your data?
IPQuery IncIPQuery
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